
Have You Already Made This Mistake too

This simple little tip will drastically improve your ranking anywhere. It's so quick and easy and so many people artists especially never take a few minutes out to do it. Did you make this mistake?Have you tried this? Google your name.If not you really need to stop what you are doing and do a reality check. How far down if ever do you see Wholesale China the Website about you and your product that you actually want people to go to?So, here is how to change that. Here is the trick.Create a Google profile of yourself. If you have Gmail account, you can log in using you Gmail account. And do yourself a favor, do this only once. So pick an email that you are actually going to keep. You are trying to streamline all roads that lead to you and your brand so it is in your best interest to not confuse the system.So choose your account or create a new one and go ahead and fill out a Google Profile. Then check you ranking again. Let me know your results. I went from Page 5 to Page 1, pretty cool huh?All this should get you thinking. How do you fans find you? What keywords do they Google? When you have to quickly direct someone to a website which is the one you use the most?As an artist you have already positioned yourself as a leader. Outside of being able to nail tips create you have taken the steps to record, package and are now at thepromotion phase of the sale.Marketing yourself is the first step and major foundation to any online business. So learning how to position yourself online and leverage the internet is all part of the process.Now let me give you a heads up…The average person getting into Network Marketing or starting a home based business spend the first and better part of their experience searching for the right product, the right company.As an artist you skip that step.Your main product is your music. The connection is already made. You live andbreathe your product and all you really need to market is You. So while they are soul searching Energy drinks and learning how to discover their "why" you can be hard at work mastering online marking skills, always one step ahead of the game.

